2001, Number 4
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Perinatol Reprod Hum 2001; 15 (4)
Efecto de la acumulación de factores de riesgo sobre la presencia de conductas problemáticas. Evaluación de una cohorte de niños de cuatro años de la ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina. Estudio CLACYD
Trautmann-Villalba P, González C, Sabulsky J
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 245-253
PDF size: 154.51 Kb.
Objective: This work analyze the effects produced for the risk accumulation over the presence of problematic behaviors in a four years old population. The sample is representative of the Cordoba city, Argentine, socially stratified.
Material and methods: Data were related with behavior characteristics by means of Child Behavior Check List CBCL. Much behavior that can be considered as problematic ones at this age are investigated here. This behavior are related with attention, activity, autonomy, problematic social functional behaves. Risk score was build up to show the total amount of the risk factors observed in each family group.
Results: In all cases a positive correlation existed among the quantity of risk factors presents in a family group and the quantity of problematic behaviors that the children manifested, so much in global sense, as according to the type of behaviors. That is to say, the subjected children to an influence of bigger quantity of risk factors, presented a quantity bigger than problematic behaviors.
Conclusions: The results, as expected, clearly show the correlation between environmental risk factors and problematic behaves in children of this age.
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