2002, Number 3
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Perinatol Reprod Hum 2002; 16 (3)
Duración de la lactancia materna y características conductuales en una cohorte de niños preescolares. Estudio CLACYD. Córdoba, Argentina
Trautmann-Villalba P, González C, Sabulsky J
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 113-122
PDF size: 102.48 Kb.
Objective: This paper analyzes the relation between the duration of breastfeeding and some behavior characteristics in a cohort of pre-school children from the City of Córdoba, Argentina.
Materials and methods: The biological and social data were obtained from a general survey, and the behavior characteristics by the application of a questionnaire based on Achenbach's Child Behavior Check List. The problem behavior score was built with the parents' answers to the questionnaire. The breastfeeding information was gathered in interviews starting in the first month of children’s life.
Results: In all the cases the negative value registered on the problem-behavior score for the group of children breastfed for 2 months or less are higher than the value registered for the group of children that were breastfed for a period longer than 2 months, although only in the case of functional behavior the difference reaches the level of statistical significance. There were no statistically significant differences among the values for the group of children breastfed between 2 and 12 months and the group that was breastfed for more than 12 months.
Conclusion: No breastfeeding or breastfeeding for less than 2 months produces a negative effect on the behavior of four-year-old children. Significant differences are not observed between the children breastfed between 2 and 12 months and those breastfed for more than 12 months, which shows that - although positive effects of a longer duration of breastfeeding cannot be demonstrated - such a prolongation does not have negative consequences either.
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