2002, Number 2
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Perinatol Reprod Hum 2002; 16 (2)
Análisis microbiológico de la reutilización de trócares de laparoscopia en un hospital de tercer nivel
Villagrana ZJR, Solano JR, Ibarra CV, Sosa GI, García BCQ, Ahued AJR
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 96-102
PDF size: 335.46 Kb.
Objective: To determine if trocars reutilitation in patients that are subjected to laparoscopy surgery, incresed postsurgical infections.
Material and methods: We carried out a study between March and October of 1999 in the National Institute of Perinatology where microbiological samples of the laundry of reutilization trocars were gathered previously on laparoscopy that had been subjected to the sterilization process. The obtained samples were taken to the microbiology laboratory where they were initially inoculated directly in bottles for hemocultivo of the system Bact/Alert/Organon.
Results: Four isolations microbiologics were detected what corresponded to a rate of 3.8 for each 100 surgeries contamination laparoscopy surgicals; considering the rate in relation to trocars used, this it corresponds to 9.6 trocars contaminated by 1,000 trocars used. An observation during the realization of the study went that to bigger use of the trocares, these they presented seemingly during the previous laundry to the following surgery a bigger quantity of organic material, although relationship could not settle down between the presence of organic material and colonization. The main isolated agents were:
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterococcus sp, Enterococcus faecalis and
Bacillus sp.
Conclusions: The laparoscopy should be considered like a contamitation surgery, for what is indispensable to provide therapy antibiotic preventive. The germs identified in the colonized trocars, correspond agents implied in infections nosocomiales whose habitat is the surgical areas and units of intensive cares, especially humid places as they are the washbasins, soap-dishes, watering-cans and bathtubs.
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