2007, Number 1
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Perinatol Reprod Hum 2007; 21 (1)
Guía clínica para la intervención psicológica de mujeres embarazadas con endocrinopatías
Pimentel-Nieto D
Language: Spanish
References: 79
Page: 54-68
PDF size: 196.80 Kb.
The present clinical guideline responds to the institutional and psychology necessity to endorse its professional practice with investigation evidences.
The endocrinology alterations, in particular, diabetes mellitus have a high prevalence in our country affecting the woman's reproductive life and its emotional state.
The present work documents the main emotional alterations in this population and the factors associated to its presence, detection and insertion of psychological support with objectives linked to the necessities from the women to expense of its process of illness as of the given institution due to reproductive event.
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