2009, Number 1
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Vet Mex 2009; 40 (1)
Reduced environments for production of culture susceptible aquatic organisms for human consumption
Sánchez MPE, Romero JJ, Negrete RP, López SR, Malpica SA
Language: English/Spanish
References: 44
Page: 55-67
PDF size: 730.12 Kb.
Anoxic sediments favor sulfate reducing bacteria proliferation, main characteristic of reduced environments, which are used for crustaceous culture. In Mexico, it has been reported the presence of anoxic sediments in the channels of Xochimilco, reduced environment that could be used for culture of organisms, like crayfish (
Cambarellus montezumae). The aim of this study was to prove that reduced environments can be used for the production of culture susceptible aquatic organisms for human consumption. Apatlaco and Cuemanco channels are characterized as reduced environments, its water and sediment physicochemical parameters were evaluated; heavy metals in sediment and organisms were assessed; presence and sanitary quality of crayfish was proven, through qualitative and quantitative analysis of its bacteria charge; nutritional quality of crayfish was determined, by proximal chemical analysis. It was proven that the channels of Xochimilco fulfill the reduced environment characteristics, presence of crayfish
C. montezumae in these channels was verified, it was shown that the levels of heavy metals and bacteria charge recorded, do not exceed the maximum allowed limits for edible crustaceous, important protein source for human consumption. Based on the previous, it is affirmed that reduced environments can be used for culture of edible aquatic species.
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