2009, Number 3
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Rev Mex Oftalmol 2009; 83 (3)
Comportamiento de las urgencias traumáticas oftálmicas. Hospital provincial docente 'Saturnino Lora' Santiago de Cuba 2008
García-Alcolea EE
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 158-161
PDF size: 90.73 Kb.
Objective: To determine the deportment of ophthalmologic traumatic urgencies in a Provincial Ophthalmologic Hospital, from August to November, 2008.
Method: A descriptive and transversal study was made; universe was constituted by 531 patients with ocular traumas due to mechanical agents, excluding lesions by physical and chemical agents because the first ones are the most frequent. It was taken into consideration some variables such as: age, sex, mechanism and type of trauma, localization of wound and intraocular foreign body.
Results: The group of age between 20 to 39 years old was more affected (71.6%), and males with 81.7 %. Aggressions (52.5%) were the most important mechanism of trauma, the wound in cornea was common (70.5%) and finally the localization of intraocular foreign body was more frequent in anterior segment (89.4%) than in posterior segment.
Conclusions: Ophthalmologic traumatic urgencies were very numerous in this study with a similar deportment from other review researches about this topic to resound integrally in visual health.
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