2003, Number 1
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Otorrinolaringología 2003; 48 (1 )
Upheavals like problem of public health in Mexico
García-Pedroza F, Peñaloza LY, Poblano A
Language: Spanish
References: 72
Page: 20-29
PDF size: 70.01 Kb.
Objective: To contribute to define to the Auditory Dysfunctions (AD) as public health problem (PHP) to upgrade their politics of prevention and control in Mexico. It is discussed their definition, etiopatology, diagnostic and classification. It is examined the utility of the studies of Auditory Provoked Potentials of the cerebral shaft, Oto Acoustic Emissions and the Audiometric in the diagnosis of the AD. As well as, the detection of the syndrome in the newly born ones and in adults. The lack of epidemic information is pointed out and the available information is commented about the frequency of the AD in Mexico. In the campaigns outside of the InCH that carries out in open population, was found that 16.9%% had thresholds of up to 80 decibels and with more than 81 decibels 0.8%. In the category of deep deaf was to 0.1% the results of some preventive programs they are commented in other countries that have achieved coverings of 95% of all the newly born ones and detected to 100% of the Congenital Deafness (CD) and others that have evaluated the impact of the immunization against the rubella and the parotiditis in the decrease of the prevalence of the CD. We conclude that it is convenient to complete the definition of the AD as PHP in Mexico. For that which is necessary to promote, to execute and to evaluate epidemic studies whose results contribute to upgrade the politicians of health and their consequent programs in people’s benefit with AD in the country.
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