2007, Number 4
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Perinatol Reprod Hum 2007; 21 (4)
Estrategia educativa de enfermería para fortalecer el autocuidado durante el control prenatal
Sánchez-Jiménez B, Hernández-Trejo M, Lartigue-Becerra T
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 167-177
PDF size: 115.12 Kb.
Antecedents: Nursing as a profession has contributed with important health programs at promotional and preventive levels, in respect to sanitary education and self care improvement for the population.
Objective: To show the results of an educational nursing strategy and the prenatal control adherence as a factor of self-care in pregnant women.
Material and methods: Transversal and descriptive study at the Instituto Nacional de Perinatología Isidro Espinosa de los Reyes during 2005 and 2006. The educational strategy was a workshop type that contributed elements for detecting alarm signs and symptoms during pregnancy and the beginning of labor; also about personal hygiene and diet. The information was analyzed with dispersion and central tendency statistics.
Results: Out of the 98 participants, 98% presented some morbidity, 67% had two or more complications, 83% of the overweight or obese women presented some complication and 100% of the depressed patients showed morbidity during pregnancy. 91% presented an -adequate prenatal control and 65% did not plan their pregnancy. 90% had a timely delivery and 87% had a newborn weighting more than 2,500 g.
Conclusions: This study reveals that 98% of the participants had a high risk pregnancy; the final results were very satisfactory with a high frequency of term deliveries and an adequate newborn weight. It is possible that the health strategy implemented by the nurses contributed for this outcome.
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