2009, Number 1
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Rev Mex Patol Clin Med Lab 2009; 56 (1)
Lipid´s alterations of newborn caused by smoking and hypertension on their mothers
Ruiz MAA, González GOL, Delmés LY, Burgos BD, Sarduy SJ
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 4-9
PDF size: 68.91 Kb.
Objectives: To analyze the effects over the cholesterol and triglycerides (or triacylglycerides) levels in neonates by smoking and hypertension on their mothers.
Methods: Transversal descriptive study that took 181 neonates and 140 mothers from «Mártires del 9 de Abril» hospital in Sagua la Grande in Villa Clara´s province, Cuba. The neonates were stratified according to their mothers, being normals, hypertensives or smokers. Total cholesterol and triglycerides were determined in the blood samples of the umbilical cord of the newborns and in the vein blood serum obtained from the mothers after partum. The lipids mentioned were compared to groups (neonates and their mothers) and intergroups (neonates of healthies, hypertensives and smokers mothers) using the test t of the Student to compare the means.
Results: the total cholesterol levels and triglycerides in newborn were very low to their mothers. Those newborns whose mothers were hypertensives or smokers had descriptively high levels of this lipid than their similar from healthy mothers. Just the triglycerides showed statistics differences (p ‹ 0.001) to those whose mothers were hypertensive.
Conclusions: The arterial hypertension and smoking during the gestation should be controlled or avoided because they can affect negatively over the lipid profile of newborn.
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