2008, Number 3
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Rev Mex Coloproctol 2008; 14 (3)
Defecography; an alternative in the diagnostic of the pelvic floor diseases
Rodríguez AMÁ, González AY, González RPP, Rodríguez PL
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 86-90
PDF size: 384.77 Kb.
Introduction: Pelvic floor diseases are a health problem not just as an organic affection, but also as a psychic and social implication. Defecography is a radiological technique able to express defecation acts in images. Defecography can determine anatomical and functional change of rectum and anus and the movement of pelvic floor.
Method: A descriptive and prospective investigation was undertaken which includes 532 patients who had defecation trouble. The authors modified applied technique was performed in all cases.
Results and discussion: The frequent diseases detected by this investigation were: rectocele (77.9%), incomplete evacuation of stool (37.4 %), pelvic floor fall (27.3 %). Our results coincided with the majority of authors consulted.
Conclusion: Defecography is an effective radiological method in detection of numerous functional and morphologic alterations of anus and rectum and pelvic floor.
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