2009, Number 2
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Rev Fac Med UNAM 2009; 52 (2)
Seropositivity to VIH in patients with risk factors in a unity of treatment
Sánchez VJT, Ruiz SD, Tay ZJ, López MÁ, Ortiz FJL, Calderón RL, Romero CR
Language: Spanish
References: 42
Page: 54-58
PDF size: 47.87 Kb.
Objective: To determine the incidence of HIV infection in people with risk factors, who attended to the Familiar Medical Unit No. 28 «Gabriel Mancera», of the Mexican Social Security Institute, in order to offer control of the infection and opportune medical attention for the maximal improvement for their quality of life.
Material and methods: 1,070 patients of both genera between 15 and 70 years of age who were seen a year long at the Familiar Medical Unit No. 28 «Gabriel Mancera», of the Mexican Social Security Institute were included in the study. The reason of consult were: long last fever, important weight loose, frequent respiratory infections with or without cardiovascular compromise, repeated episodes of diarrhea, intravenous drugs users, sexual relationships with suspicious or multiple partners and homosexuality. Those patients because of his occupation were exposed to high risk factors to acquire the HIV infection, were also included. All patients gave their consent to provide a blood sample which was collected in Vacutainer contents without anticoagulant in order to perform an ELISA as screen test and a Western Blot as confirmatory test. Positive cases were included in monitoring programs for the study of their contacts, habits and familiar, social and work relationships.
Results: From 1,070 patients, only 200 cases were positive to HIV (18.70%); 152 (76%) were male and 48 (24%) were female in proportion of 3:1. Most affected age groups were those between 16 and 55 years old, with positivity preponderance in male. The higher positivity were found in persons who had not finished high school (37%) and related to occupation, stewardess and people who work in tourism activities showed the major positivity to HIV infection(16.5%). Health workers, only presented a positivity of 5%.
Conclusions: The importance of carry out serologic studies to every patient who had high risk factors, since a great number of people have seropositivity to HIV with no knowledge of it, is emphasized. Data obtained allows to take actions designated to prevent and damage control and devastating consequences generated by this virus infection, so the precautions most be universal, which implicates the consideration of that all patient may be HIV carrier and potentially infectious, until the contrary was demonstrated.
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