2008, Number 2
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2008; 29 (2)
Human papillomavirus infection in children and its association with sexual abuse
García-Piña CA, Loredo-Abdalá A, Sam-Soto S
Language: Spanish
References: 65
Page: 102-108
PDF size: 217.24 Kb.
Infection by human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most frequent sexually transmitted condition in the world. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) it is a public health problem. Genitoanal condilomatosis in a child is frequently associated with sexual abuse. Nevertheless, there are other forms of transmission which must be ruled out, i.e.:
Perinatal transmission: In uterus or at the time of the childbirth.
Horizontal transmission: A patient with cutaneous warts who touches his(her) genitals can become infected. If a child is touched in his(her) genital and/or anal area by an infected adult with hand lesions he(she) may become infected.
Sexual transmission: The Center of Detection and Prevention of Diseases of Atlanta and the American Academy of Pediatrics report that children may acquire secondary HPV as a result of sexual abuse. However the risk is low; if present it must be considered only as a suspicion. Therefore every patient should be evaluated by a multidisciplinary group in order to ascertain the different possible routes of transmission. An errouneous diagnosis can originate an inadequate handling of the case from the legal point of view and viceversa, of turning an innocent victim into an aggressor, or viceversa or else giving rise to emotional, social, legal and economic implications.
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