2006, Number 2
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Plasticidad y Restauración Neurológica 2006; 5 (2)
Diabetes Mellitus and complications. Epidemiology and clinical manifestations of Diabetes type 1 and 2. Gestational Diabetes part. 1.
Flores RJ, Aguilar RF
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 139-151
PDF size: 237.41 Kb.
The treatment of the diabetes mellitus is based on correcting the symptoms and preventing or to delay the apparition of the complications. It is required to identify in a early way that is possible, and opportune the disease and type of diabetes. There are three fundamentally type’s diabetes type 1 or infantile diabetes, the type 2 diabetes or the adult and the gestational diabetes. The prevention of the complications requires of the diagnostic early of the disease, combined to a new condition that it involves in his personal life of the patient and its family, the diet, the exercise and the daily and strict precise metabolic control.
The gestational diabetes are exanimate with special emphasis in treatment of mother and new born. The therapeutic resources plus the changes of the life style and accepting the disease are the more important arms to avoid the complications in the long term.
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