2008, Number 3
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Vet Mex 2008; 39 (3)
Bacteriological quality evaluation of live food (Artemia, Daphnia, Tenebrio and Tubifex) for fi shes in collection, production and selling sites
Negrete RP, Monroy DC, Romero JJ
Language: English/Spanish
References: 51
Page: 255-268
PDF size: 315.23 Kb.
Cichlids constitute the group of fi shes of greatest importance for ornamental aquaculture. To increment the production of these species, producers have to satisfy the metabolic necessities that will give to the fi sh greater tolerance to the variations in the physicochemical factors of their surroundings, as well as resistance to diseases. Aquaculturists include live food as part of their
diet for its high protein content, mainly in their fi rst development phases. The organisms of greatest use in aquaculture as live food are:
Artemia, Daphnia, Tubifex and Tenebrio; nevertheless, and in spite of being a probable source of ichthiopathogenic contamination,
the bacterial charge they carry is not considered, which is incorporated to the culture system with the food. For this
reason, in the present study a diagnosis of the sanitary conditions of live fi sh food management:
Artemia, Daphnia, Tubifex and Tenebrio, during its collection, production and selling process was done. A qualitative and quantitative analysis on the bacterial
charge in each one of these foods was performed. The isolated strains, in different specifi c microbiological agars, were purifi edand identifi ed using API-20E and API- 20NE systems. To establish the signifi cant difference between sanitary conditions and defi ned bacterial charge, per food and per commercial process phase, an analysis of variance and the comparison test of multiple means by the method of Tukey was performed. Signifi cant differences in sanitary management conditions and in the count of
ufc/mL different food samples were observed. In different phases of commercialization process three different levels were identifi ed: good, bad and worst, according to the sanitary management and count of cfu/mL of each feed.
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