2006, Number 2
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Bol Clin Hosp Infant Edo Son 2006; 23 (2)
Transposición de Grandes Arterias
Experiencia en el Hospital Infantil del Estado de Sonora
González RLA, López CG, Castillo AJD, Rascón AA, Ruiz BNP
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 46-56
PDF size: 590.04 Kb.
Introduction. The classic form of the Transposition of Great Arteries is a cardiac malformation in the newborn period and the cyanosis is because blood venous is in the systemic circulation and arterial blood in the pulmonary circulation as a result of artioventricular discordance. We present our experience with this cardiac malformation in its diagnosis, clinic evolution and medical and surgical treatment of the classic for of TGA.
Material and Methods. We reviewed clinical records in 33 cases with diagnosis of the classical form of transposition of great arteries, chest X rays, electrocardiogram, echocardiogram and autopsy specimens also were analyzed. We registered every anatomical and psychopathological feature of the malformation in each case and describe the varying associated anomalies.
Results. This congenital cardiac malformation was more common in males than females, cyanosis was present in all cases. Respiratory distress sign in 85% and heart murmur in 55%. Persistent arterius ductus ventricular sepal defect, pulmonary stenosis, tricuspid valve anomaly (regurgitation), mitral value anomaly and aorta coarctation were the anomalies more frequent found.
Discussion. When the patient was admitted the clinical suspicion of this specific malformations wassof 21%, the chest x ray orientated to this anomaly and echocardiogram and cardiac catheterization confirmed it. The diagnosis experience has relation with the founding of the cardiology department and the acquisition of modern medical equipment, to confirm the diagnosis this technology is necessary in every childrens hospital making possible an early medical surgical treatment.
Conclusion. In our hospital is possible to make an early diagnosis however our surgical corrective procedure are very limited, we expect to have more favorable results in the near future and to have more technical resources.
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