2007, Number 1
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2007; 15 (1)
Influencia de la práctica del ejercicio en la funcionalidad física y mental del adulto mayor
Murillo-Hernández A, Loo-Morales I
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 11-20
PDF size: 103.55 Kb.
Introduction: Exercise has been very important for health due to the benefits which it contributes to all organs and systems in the human body. Physical inactivity is associated to several chronicdegenerative diseases, as well as the loss of functionality. For this reason, one of the goals of geriatric nursing is improving the life quality of the elderly through educational programs and promotion of self-care where exercise is included.
Objective: To evaluate physical and mental functionality in an elderly population who do exercise and those who do not.
Methodology: A descriptive study was done with a sample of 60 elder people from the developing zone of Estado de Mexico. Two groups of 30 individuals each were integrated. Through a survey, an evaluation was done, applying 6 different items. (Scales of activities and physical and mental functionality). Data was analyzed with descriptive measurements.
Results: The total of subjects who exercise, are functional for activities of daily living. 100% do not present depression. From the age of 70 to 79 years old, 70% are without mental deterioration and 30% present a light deterioration. From the subjects who do not exercise, it was observed that 4% in the age range from 60 to 69 years old is dependent in personal dressing activities, as well as walking in a small room. 83% has depression without mental deterioration, 33% with light deterioration, and 17% with severe deterioration.
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