2007, Number 3
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Inv Salud 2007; 9 (3)
La Numolatría
Rojas MC
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 198-204
PDF size: 164.97 Kb.
The intention of the present communication is reveler the meanings of the money and his recharges semantics in the contemporary culture. It is a question of a topic of undoubted interest for the study of the Mental Health (SM), because the money occupies a constitutive place in the psyche, and mobilizes so many social behaviors, that his importance cannot be misestimated. The methodology to construct our theoretical offer will have to follow the track to the first relations of exchange, from the barter of goods in the most primitive societies, up to coming to the money as one of the first social syntheses from the mercantile societies. Discovering the symbolic coverage’s of the money, his uses and values in the daily life and in the social organization, we come to the conclusion, which the adoration to the money, today per today, tends to constitute in a species of lay very powerful religion that we propose to be call NUMOLATRÍA.
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