2007, Number 1
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Inv Salud 2007; 9 (1)
Psychosocial factors, stressand health in different occupational groups: an exploratory study
Juárez GA
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 57-64
PDF size: 772.00 Kb.
The current study used open questions to identify the main psychosocial factors, perceived stress, coping styles and health problems reported by workers from different occupations. A nonprobabilistic intentional sample was selected composed by clerical workers, teachers, blue collar workers and nurses (N=216). The results showed different psychosocial stressors in each occupational group but others were shared in all occupations making possible its inclusion in a generalized model. The nurses reported more health problems and stress than the other occupational groups. It was found a coping process which yields in the classic emotion-problem styles theory; also it was identify the social support in the workplace as a very important psychosocial variable; these variables stand out positively in the teachers group. In the work-family relationship most of the participants reported mainly affectations from the laboral context to the familiar context in aspects like the mood and the time spent.
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