2007, Number 3
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Rev Hosp Jua Mex 2007; 74 (3)
Diagnostic of the state of health and degree of sendentarity of the investigators of UIICSE FESI UNAM
Urrutia ZRÁ, Beas JMC, Galván FPC
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 139-146
PDF size: 233.73 Kb.
Objective. To diagnose the health state and to recognize the sedentarity degree of the investigators of the UICSE-FESI UNAM.
Material and methods. We have studied 40 individuals, between 25 and 65 ages; 14 men and 21 women. Clinics diagnosis, anthropometrics, biomechanics, cardiopulmonary and physical performance settled down.
Results. The anthropometrics reveal changes in the corporal composition, (diminution of the muscular and bond component; increase in greasy and visceral); we propose an index sets out “Locomotive” call, that it tries to use anthropometrics parameters of corporal composition to dose the service loads. The respiratory exchanges indicate that the warehouses pulmonary and circulatory of oxygen are diminished in size and slow is its capacity of mass transference. The anaerobic power, the double product and oxygen uptake in the exercise testing were smaller of expected. The anaerobic threshold was of precocious appearance, and the oxygen debt take greater time in paying itself.
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