2008, Number 6
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Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex 2008; 65 (6)
Obese child treatment
Gómez-Díaz RA, Rábago-Rodríguez R, Castillo-Sotelo E, Vázquez-Estupiñan F, Barba R, Castell A, Andrés-Henao S, Wacher NH
Language: Spanish
References: 61
Page: 528-546
PDF size: 227.14 Kb.
Childhood obesity is not longer a rare disorder; it has become in a growing epidemic that result in serious consequences later on life. Children who had an excessive body weight have a higher prevalence of metabolic disorders, cardiovascular disease, psychosocial pathology and abnormal eating behaviors. Preventive and therapeutic programs against childhood obesity should be multifaceted, including the participation of health professionals, school teachers, relatives and the government. Multiple factors may limit the efficacy of such programs, including, cultural factors, prejudice, misbelieves and inadequate preparation of the personnel in charge. Obesity treatment extends beyond the prescription of the dietary plan and an exercise program. It should modify patient’s attitudes and their ability to confront emotions. Prevention is the best approach to change the natural course of the disease. In this review, health professionals will find recommendations for the treatment of childhood obesity. This manuscript was prepared with the participation of several expert clinicians with complimentary points of view. The multidisciplinary approach has the greater likelihood for being successful in this condition.
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