2007, Number 34
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Med Univer 2007; 9 (34)
Lumbosacral agenesis
Loera GRG, Rodríguez BI, Rodríguez BR, Delgado GCJ, Cruz RA
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 38-41
PDF size: 115.04 Kb.
Lumbosacral agenesis is an uncommon condition which is part of the caudal regression syndrome; its frequency is 1 per 25,000 live births and it is more frequent in children of a diabetic mother. This paper reports the case of a male newborn in his second day of life, who is referred to the Neonatology Department of the Dr. José Eleuterio González University Hospital, UANL in Monterrey, N.L., México, because he had malformations in the lower body segment diagnosed by X-rays as lumbosacral agenesis, he also presented polycythemia. There are no hereditary factors, nor a history of chemical exposure. A karyotype was done with a normal result of 46 XY. A glycosylated hemoglobin of the mother was requested and it was normal. An echocardiography demonstrated a patent foramen ovale and hypertrophic myocardiopathy without any hemodynamic repercussion. Due to its clinical complexity and the frequent association with multiple malformations, lumbosacral agenesis must be treated by a multidisciplinary team in order to identify the associated conditions and to offer an integral treatment.
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