2003, Number 4
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Rev Mex Oftalmol 2003; 77 (4)
Alteraciones corneales en un caso de epidermólisis bulosa
Prado-Serrano A
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 153-156
PDF size: 457.56 Kb.
Autoimmune bullous diseases are a group of blistering diseases characterized by in vivo bound and circulating auto antibodies directed against components of the epithelia.
Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita is a blistering disease of the skin and mucous membranes affecting primarily the traumaprone areas. The patient auto antibodies recognize the amino-terminal, non collagenus domain of type VII collagen, which is the major component of anchoring fibrils.
The ocular involvement is hardly found but the present paper reports a case of 19 year-old boy with ocular involvement of the epidermolysis bullosa. He showed a ring-like configuration of fine bullous lesions in the mid periphery bilaterally at the level of deep corneal epithelium superficial to Bowman’s membrane. Clinical symptoms when some of his bullae ruptured through the corneal epithelial surface included photophobia and severe ocular pain. After several recurrent subsequent episodes with similar clinical manifestations, topical lubricants, cycloplegic agents and patching have been prescribed with regular symptomatic relief.
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