2007, Number 2
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Med Int Mex 2007; 23 (2)
Possibilities of neuropsychological rehabilitation in geriatric population with cognitive impairment
Rivera ZDJ, Estrada HMR, Estrada HLO
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 133-137
PDF size: 108.02 Kb.
The increase of the expectation of life bears to increment of the geriatric population and with it to the increase of the degenerative illnesses, among those that it is included the impairment cognitive and the dementia. The high cost in health of this type of illnesses takes us to think about economic and effective therapeutic modalities, belonging one to them the neuropsychological rehabilitation. We carry out a brief discussion about the cerebral plasticity in the adult; we discuss the normal changes for aging and the differences with the cognitive impairment for illness, concluding with the reaches of this therapeutic modality in the results of health and the necessity of establishing units specialized in the detection and treatment of the dementia.
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