2008, Number 6
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Rev Fac Med UNAM 2008; 51 (6)
Self-concept of teenagers with and without alcohol and tobacco intake
Contreras CI, Luna DMC, Arrieta PRT
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 239-242
PDF size: 86.34 Kb.
Introduction: The self-concept is gradually developed from the birth, tending to manage greater levels of stability during the adolescence; before exists vulnerability to present/display a high index in the consumption of alcohol and tobacco, which in the long run will repel in its personal health.
Objective: To compare the level of the self-concept between consuming and nonconsuming adolescents of alcohol and tobacco.
Material and methods: A observational, analytical, cross-sectional study was made and analyzed among 46 adolescents a questionnaire to determine the alcohol consumption and another one for the tobacco consumption, the consumption of tobacco and/or alcohol were integrated in two groups accordingly.
Results: In adolescents with consumption of alcohol and/or tobacco 65.2% (15 adolescents) displayed under self concept. Whereas for the group of adolescents without consumption of alcohol and single tobacco only the 4.4%.
Conclusions: the low level the adolescents users to UMF 94, are a factor that influences in the consumption of alcohol and tobacco.
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