2007, Number 02
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2007; 75 (02)
Medical-social characteristics of maternal deaths in a Mayan community of Yucatan, Mexico
Rodríguez AE, Montero CL, Andueza PG, Manrique VW
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 79-85
PDF size: 165.46 Kb.
Objective: To describe clinical and sociodemographic characteristics of maternal deaths occurred from 1997 to 2001, so as the access and availability of services of health, in the municipality of Chemax, Yucatan, Mexico.
Material and methods: Acts and certificates of death of women born in the municipality of Chemax were reviewed. The maternal deaths were classified in direct and indirect obstetrical deaths, according to criteria of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (tenth revision). The knowledge of the women on risks in the pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period was explored indirectly in the relatives, as well as perceptions of these last ones on the death. The time passed between the search of aid and the attention was calculated.
Results: Nine cases of maternal deaths were registered during 1997-2001 period, two of which were findings of the study. The principal cause was the obstetric hemorrhage. The 9 women spoke Mayan an 5 understood in addition the Spanish. The women did not know the obstetrical risks. The perceptions of the relatives on the deaths were bound to myths, lack of information and medical attention. The minimum time of transfer for the attention of the childbirth was of 10 minutes and the maximum of 2 hours. For the attention of the complications, eigth women were transferred to a hospital outside their locality.
Conclusions: The hemorrhage postpartum was the leading cause of maternal death in Chemax. Sociodemographic factors and of access to the health services, characterized to the maternal deaths in this community. Something similar could be happening in other communities very marginalized of Yucatan.
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