2003, Number 3
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Rev Mex Oftalmol 2003; 77 (3)
Presente y futuro de las infecciones por Chlamydia trachomatis. Análisis de las perspectivas de la Organización Mundial de la Salud y su importancia para México
González-Almaraz G, Pineda-Cárdenas MAA
Language: Spanish
References: 49
Page: 110-119
PDF size: 763.86 Kb.
Chlamydial infections are becoming to be the most important cause of blindness at the whole world, and prevention is suitable by hygienic and medical procedures. Surgical methods should be avoided at the present and disappear at the future. The standardisation in the diagnoses and therapy should be adequately established. The WHO recently proposed a general protocol under the term "SAFE". The objective of this paper is only the diffusion of such protocol and the comparison of our experience in the last years.
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