2007, Number 3
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2007; 28 (3)
Facial odontogenic infection. Report a case
García-Villarmet CI, Teja-Ángeles E, Ceballos-Hernández H, Ordaz-Favila JC
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 95-100
PDF size: 219.60 Kb.
Odontogenic infections of head and neck in children may result from untreated pulp pathology especially if the patient systemic condition is poor. It is necessary to adequate the use of antibiotics, its dose and administration period and the elimination of the causal agent.
A possible complication of odontogenic infections are orbitary infections that may cause cavernous sinus thrombosis and eventual death.
We present the case of a two year-old boy with a periorbitary enlargement started nine days prior to our consultation. He had been treated with no improvement. In the Pediatric Stomatology Service (Servicio de Estomatología Pediátrica) this condition was diagnosed as a periorbitary abscess following a chronic dentoalveolar abscess in the upper incisives and the first left upper molar. He received antibiotics and dental treatment without surgical treatment. He was discharged in good condition.
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