2007, Number 2
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2007; 28 (2)
Children in war conflicts
López-Navarrete GE, Perea-Martínez A, Loredo AA, Trejo-Hernández J, Jordán-González N
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 74-80
PDF size: 140.59 Kb.
Child abuse is a public health problem all over the world. The various expressions of violence against children and adolescents include the situation of youngsters who find themselves immersed in ongoing war conflicts whereby they are subject to a negative impact in every aspect of their life, i.e., health, education, recreation, socialization and the development of their potentialities. This in turn results in high rates of undernourishment and infectious diseases.
Additionally they become victims of exploitation and bodily harm. These are some of the physical health consequences they suffer during and after a war. Territorial displacement, separation from their families, being witnesses to, and at times executors of war crimes, are the cause of psychological damage to these children, which is often prolonged and irreparable.
Social and economic structures necessary for the development of school and recreational activities are also disrupted. Their future life project takes a different direction; a viable future under these circumstances includes joining the armed forces, becoming spies, prostitution, working in dangerous environments.
The struggle against poverty and in-quality should be promoted in order to reduce tensions which would otherwise lead to internal conflicts and confrontations among two or more countries.
To protect International Rights and to safeguard the health of children who live in the midst of a war is a responsibility that must be shared by nations, their states and institutions of all the people.
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