2007, Number 4
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Arch Med Fam 2007; 9 (4)
Health Personnel as Preventive Agents of Smoking in Santiago de Cuba Province
Bonal Ruiz R, Poll Cabrera M, Capdesuñer AS, Rodríguez Salcedo I, Revé Sigler L
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 165-169
PDF size: 172.07 Kb.
Objective: To identify essential abilities against smoking in health personnel.
Design: Descriptive and cross-sectional study.
Methods: We evaluated a sample of 129 health workers (75 physicians and 54 nurses) from different Santiago de Cuba Province municipalities, in whom quantitative and qualitative techniques were applied in the following sequence: in-depth interview; survey; focus group, and direct observation at children’s educational facilities. Statistical treatment or the obtained information including calculation of measured of summary, estimated by 95% confidence interval reliability of eventsof-interest probabilities, and application of the χ
2 test.
Results: A total of 84% of health workers did not smoke at their place of work, only 7% of workers considered smoking as a drug, 36.4% referred that there was visible ban such as posters against smoking at their workplace, and 69% usually recommends that educators not smoke where they can be observed by the children. A total of 79% of health personnel consider it necessary to be offered courses on smoking, because they do not feel prepared; the majority confuses the concepts of orienting and informing with that of counselling. No clinical file of children with respiratory problems reflected anti-smoking orientation for their parents.
Conclusions: Incompetence in the performance of health personnel at these facilities limits success in their work against smoking, due to lack of academic formation, and mainly lack of insistence and sustainability at these educational facilities in carrying out anti- smoking regulations. There is no difference between physicians and nurses regarding attitudes and anti-smoking competency.
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