2005, Number 1
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Arch Med Fam 2005; 7 (1)
Fasting Glucose in a Group of Patients with Diabetes in Jalisco, Mexico
Bustos-Saldaña R, López-Hernández G, Bustos-Mora A, Bustos-Mora R, Pérez-Larios F, Salgado-Rodríguez M.
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 10-13
PDF size: 54.53 Kb.
Objective: Our aim was to identify changes that demonstrate daily fasting glucose in a group of patients with diabetes.
Design: We conducted a descriptive and cross-sectional study.
Materials and methods: Results were obtained from 4,515 patients with diabetes who attended the Family Medicine Service at the Mexican Social Security Institute’s (IMSS) Family Medicine Service in Ciudad Guzmán, Jalisco, Mexico during 1 year (2003).
Results: A total of 66% of patients were female; 31.9% were employed, and 31.5% were married. On the other hand, only 0.6% of patients had children, 23.7% had parents, 6.1% were retired, and 6.1% had relatives who were retired. General glucose average was 177.55 ± 76.1 mg/dl; general average in women was 182.79 ± 76.55 mg/dl, while in men it was 168.24 ± 72.96 mg/dl (p ‹ 0.00001). Results by weekday were as follows: Monday, 190.99 ± 76.48 mg/dl; Tuesday, 168.94 ± 74.65 mg/dl; Wednesday, 169.77% ± 73.55 mg/dl; Thursday, 174.05 ± 77.97 mg/dl, and Friday, 182.06 ± 74.45 mg/dl (p ‹0.000001).
Conclusions: Patients had inadequate fasting glucose averages for metabolic control. Glucose results on Mondays were higher than on other days of the week. Women showed greater lack of control than men.
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