2002, Number 4
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Salud Mental 2002; 25 (4)
Análisis espectral (3D) electroencefalográfico de los efectos de la inhalación de compuestos orgánicos volátiles industriales sobre el sueño y la atención en el humano
Martínez A, Luna G, Calvo JM, Valdés-Cruz A, Magdaleno-Madrigal V, Fernández-Mas R, Martínez D, Fernández-Guardiola A
Language: Spanish
References: 72
Page: 56-67
PDF size: 956.14 Kb.
A series of clinical observations have confirmed the presence of drastic alterations on the wake-sleep cycle associated with industrial solvent inhalation. The psychotropic effects of these substances embrace a diversity of functions in humans, such as the capacity to attend to, and respond with readiness, to the environmental stimulus; besides it affects the capacity to estimate time. The nature of these dysfunctions in not known with precision, but by means of visual and computerized analysis of the cerebral electrical activity in humans, either spontaneous or provoked, it allows to obtain a better characterization of this modifications. It offers also an alternative approach that explains the mechanisms underlying the psychotropic nature of the volatile organic compounds. This combination of substances (which can be found in a large percentage of several industrial products), is consumed by inhalers. Recent evidence that could add some technological and scientific advances regarding quite well controlled studies, to assess the psychotropic effects of volatile solvents is lacking. Toluene induced electrographic and behavioral changes that were similar to the absence seizures, and benzene induced changes there were similar to partial seizure in humans, followed by generalized tonic-clonic seizures. Often, in humans the effects of inhalation last for several hours.
As a result of this problem, we have proposed to investigate the effects that the inhalation of industrial volatile organic compounds have upon the electroencephalogram (EEG) of the human being (evaluated polisomnographicaly and during the execution of a series of tasks in psychophysiolgical attention test) and associate them with the psychotropicity of these substances.
This study reports the results of sleep register studies during the night in a group of 24 young addicts, five women and 19 men, with an average age of 21.5 years. Nine of them were younger than 18 years. All of them were detected by the foundation “Ama la Vida” which is a center against addictions. The group included 24 young controls (four women and twenty men), with an average age of 23.5 years. All subjects were submitted to two sleep individual register nights after an “habituation” night, in the same room and bed. The polysomnogram was normal in five subjects (20.8%).
Insomnia alone was evident in six (25%). Myoclonus with motor activity insomnia was observed in eleven subjects (45.8%), and seizures in two subjects (8.3%). A 31 years old subject with an addiction record of 19 years, and another subject, a 19 years old woman, had been both inhaling solvents and consuming drugs for over year, including cocaine. Both presented repeated spike with a frequency of three per second, and wave shape discharges. An increase in total time of wake and delta sleep was observed in addict subjects, as well as a significant decrease of slow wave sleep II and rapid eye movement sleep.
All these polisomnographic sleep changes were also analyzed in the evolution time by the spectral 3D graphic which has the capacity to evaluate non stationary rhythms, like sleep spindles at 14-16 Hz.
The average reaction time (RT) in the addicts group was of 419.9 ± 114.7 milliseconds, while in the control group was of 277.6 ± 94.2 milliseconds.
The different features characteristic of the EEG and the behavior caused by the neurotoxic action of the organic solvent inhalation, are shown in this study. A slowness of the EEG and the presence of spikes in the temporal lobe were observed, insomnia, hipermotility and an increase in the latency of reaction time were noticed in the behavior.
The alterations on the EEG are due to arise in the inhibitory processes as a response to the excitation. The epileptiform activity is induced by the sensitization of the central nervous system by the frequent use of solvents. Insomnia is due to the deficiency in serotoninergic transmission of the preoptic area. And hipermotility and the increase in the response time are due to a deficiency in the neurotransmission (dopamine and serotonin) of the areas that control motor activity and attention.
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