2002, Number 5
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salud publica mex 2002; 44 (5)
Blood group ABO and RhD frequencies and incompatibilities in La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico.
Peón-Hidalgo L, Pacheco-Cano MG, Zavala-Ruiz M, Madueño-López A, García-Gonzáles A
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 406-412
PDF size: 52.87 Kb.
Objective. To determine genic and phenotypic frequencies and predict the risk of incompatibility and maternal alloimmunization in the population of La Paz.
Material and Methods. This descriptive study evaluated 1809 voluntary blood donors attending in 1998 the Hospital General de Zona of Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (Zone General Hospital of the Mexican Institute of Social Security) in La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Blood donors were typified by tube agglutination. The gene frequencies were estimated assuming equilibrium conditions, and incompatibilities and alloimmunization were statistically assessed with the χ
2 test.
Results. Percent frequencies were as follows: blood group O, 58.49%; A, 31.40%; B, 8.40%; AB, 1.71%; RhD, 95.36%; and RhD negative, 4.64%. Genic frequencies were: i, 0.7648; IA, 0.1821; IB, 0.0519; D, 0.7845; and d, 0.2155, respectively. Incompatibilities between couples and mother-child were 0.3023 and 0.1685 for ABO, 0.0442 and 0.0364 for RhD, and 0.0134 and 0.0061 for double incompatibility, respectively. The probability of maternal alloimmunization was estimated at 0.0309.
Conclusions. The O and RhD groups were the most common in La Paz, although frequencies were among the lowest in Mexico, contrary to the case of A and RhD negative groups. The probabilities of maternal alloimmunization and of incompatibilities were also high. Ancestral white, black, and indigenous groups admixed in the northwestern part of Mexico; after migrating to Baja California Sur the admixture of the population probably became similar to that of the remainder of the northwestern area.
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