2008, Number 2
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Bioquimia 2008; 33 (2)
Biosafety in the laboratory: Important measures for safe work practices
Lara-Villegas HH, Ayala-Núñez NV, Rodríguez-Padilla C
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 59-70
PDF size: 176.10 Kb.
A professional working in a clinical analysis, diagnosis, or pathology laboratory is frequently exposed to the risk of being infected with the pathogens being handled. The biosafety measures that must be taken into consideration when working inside the laboratory have already been established by national and international organizations, and they must be complied with fulfillment. In spite of this, there are certain cases in which one is not completely familiar with the level of risk, the kind of pathogen that is being handled, the measures to prevent an infection, the security levels of work, the basic personal protection equipment, and the way in which waste must be handled. Therefore, the main objective in the following text is to give a general overview of the biosafety measures to be taken in a laboratory that handles biological-infectious material.
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