2007, Number 1
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salud publica mex 2007; 49 (1)
Family functioning, self-esteem and substance use in adolescents: a mediational model.
Musitu G, Jiménez TI, Murgui S
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 3-10
PDF size: 100.98 Kb.
Objective: This research analyzes the direct and indirect relationships among family functioning, multidimensional selfesteem (family, academic, social, and physical self-esteem) and substance use.
Materials and Methods: The study participants were composed of two independent samples of Spanish adolescents who provided information during the 2003-2004 academic year (n
1= 414, Castilla & León; n
2= 625, Comunidad Valenciana). The statistical analyses were carried out using structural equation modelling and the procedure of mediation effects analysis (Holmbeck, 1997).
Results: Results showed a significant mediational effect of self-esteem on the relation between family functioning and adolescent substance use. Moreover, results showed, on the one hand, a protection effect of family and academic selfesteem in the face of substance use and, on the other hand, a risk effect of social and physical self-esteem.
Conclusions: It is necessary to adopt a multidimensional perspective when analyzing the self-esteem of adolescents with substance use and to prevent the over-valuation of social and physical dimensions.
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