2003, Number S1
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salud publica mex 2003; 45 (S1)
STI/AIDS-related practices and occupational risk factors in adolescent hotel workers in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Rasmussen-Cruz B, Hidalgo-San Martín A, Alfaro-Alfaro N
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 81-91
PDF size: 129.21 Kb.
Objective. To assess STI/AIDS risk behaviors and occupational risk factors among adolescent hotel workers in Puerto Vallarta.
Material and Methods. Comparative cross-sectional study conducted in 1998, among 288 workers adolescents of 38 hotels in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Variables were collected on working conditions, environmental conditions, STI/AIDS risk behaviors, and sociodemographic characteristics. Statistical analysis consisted of descriptive and multivariate techniques:
t test, OR, and logistic regression.
Results. Study subjects had a mean age of 17.7 years; 71.5% were males. Fifty-three percent had active sexual relations; 93.6% of them had one or more STI/AIDS risk behaviors. Inadequate condom use was found in 77.3%, and 41% drank alcoholic beverages before intercourse. Promiscuity was reported by 29.9%, and anal relations by 9.2%. Associated factors were: perception of a sexually-arousing environment (OR 2.36), alcohol drinking by peers (OR 2.52) and guests (OR 2.60) before sexual intercourse, hotel rules allowing tourist guests in hotel rooms (OR 4.46). Confouding variables were: male gender (OR 3.14), being married or in common law (OR 21.19), and being 18-19 years of age (OR 3.11).
Conclusions. The high frequency of STI/AIDS risk behaviors among adolescent hotel workers is associated to specific environmental factors.
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