2003, Number 1
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salud publica mex 2003; 45 (1)
Emotional dysfunction associated with diabetes in Mexican adolescents and young adults with type-1 diabetes
Lerman-Garber I, Barrón-Uribe C, Calzada-León R, Mercado-Atri M, Vidal-Tamayo R, Quintana S, Hernández ME, Ruíz-Reyes ML, Taméz-Gutiérrez LE, Nishimura-Meguro E, Villa AR
Language: English
References: 25
Page: 13-18
PDF size: 106.12 Kb.
Objective. To assess the emotional dysfunction associated with diabetes in Mexican young individuals with type-1 diabetes.
Material and Methods. A cross-sectional survey was conducted to perform a complete clinical and psychosocial evaluation of 93 consecutive type-1 diabetes patients, aged 14 to 30 years.
Results. Adolescents had higher scores of emotional dysfunction related to diabetes and a diminished knowledge in diabetes-related areas. A multivariate logistic regression model showed that an inadequate emotional response to diabetes (high problem areas in diabetes or PAID scores) was mainly associated with a poor glycemic control (OR=2.9, 95% CI 0.9-9.7,
p=0.09). Apprehension about the future and the possibility of serious complications had the highest mean PAID score in all age groups.
Conclusions. New strategies should be developed to improve the routine care and support of young individuals with type-1 diabetes.
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