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Salud Mental 2004; 27 (2)
Language: Spanish
References: 45
Page: 21-30
PDF size: 182.39 Kb.
Until relatively recently little importance was offered to the various manifestations of violence. However, at present, research is increasingly carried out to understand this problem in its diverse areas.
Violence is a vast phenomenon found in practically all aspects of life, including the interpersonal, individual and social environments. Consequently, it is also a broad concept that contains distinct variations determined by the element being discussed.
The phenomenon plays a role in war, in organized crime and criminal violence; on occasions within State institutions but it is also evident in the family, between spouses and partners, toward children or any other member. Some violence includes specific implications such as the cases of sexual violence perpetrated toward children, incest, and rape, or self-inflicted violence such as suicide.
For mental health professionals, every manner in which violence is manifested has particular connotations as to its effects, whether in physical health, mental health or in psychosocial aspects. As such, it is important to obtain knowledge on the issue since many areas have not been sufficiently studied.
Given the above, the interest of this work has been to organize and summarize the information generated by the various research studies carried out by the National Institute of Psychiatry on the issue of violence, with the aim of offering a global panorama allowing us to identify the main areas and how they have been approached, as well as discussing where future efforts should be focused.
During the academic life of our health institution, various research projects linked to violence have been carried out. At one level, there are studies that associate alcohol consumption and violence, as demonstrated by traffic accidents, crime, emergency room visits and family violence, among others. Other studies associate violence with drug use, particularly violent deaths such as accidents or due to criminal or family violence. Most studies are concentrated within the arena of mental health, given that this encompasses a wide variety of issues such as suicidal behavior, including ideation, attempt or completion, as well as associated disorders intimately linked with violent acts, such as posttraumatic stress. At the same time, a large variety of psychological and psychosocial aspects have been approached, such as genderbased violence.
In summary, our division has completed two types of projects: those that consider violence as an associated variable, for example, related to alcohol consumption or drug use, and those where the study of violence is the central target, including criminal violence, post-traumatic stress and family violence.
Even if many of the various manifestations of violence have already been studied, there is still a lack of research in specific areas such as the effects of kidnapping, torture and sexual abuse, as well as research with perpetrators. Research results are fundamental given that, before any intervention, the various mental health implications -for example, what disorders are associated, the reason for the distinct types of violence, and what other consequences could arise, such as in the case of psychosocial problems- must be understood.
Specifically, the totality of knowledge generated is a great help for opportune interventions with victims. Also, this knowledge could garner changes in a wider arena to contribute to diminishing the problem; for example, by using the obtained information to influence legal, health and educational institutions or considering the possible impact in the media. This could bring about positive repercussions at the social level given that the phenomenon of violence includes victims but also perpetrators and both have experienced a cultural and social influence that needs to be understood before being counteracted, if possible. Thus, it is clear that we find ourselves before a varied and complex phenomenon. If we consider the above, the pertinence of a research review can be understood in that it allows us a brief reflection before continuing our efforts in the field of violence and mental health.
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