1998, Number 4
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Vet Mex 1998; 29 (4)
Physiological adaptations of fighting bulls. Plasma and muscle parameters
Agüera BE, Rubio MD, Vivo R, Escribano BM, Muñoz A, Villafuerte JL, Castejón F
Language: English/Spanish
References: 42
Page: 399-403
PDF size: 504.01 Kb.
The aim of this work was to review the references on plasma and muscle parameters which may be the cause of physiological adaptations in bulls during the bullfight. Bullfighting is an anaerobic exercise because of its metabolism, and given the great intensity of the excercise. For its characteristics it can be considered as being an aerobic exercise. Exercise periods are combined followed by resting periods of variable time length. In ruminants, the first order energy metabolites are ketonic bodies, and glucose occupies a secondary and even perhaps an emergency role. The adaptation-to- the stress syndrome comprises a generalized sympathetic-tonic reaction which may be responsible for hormonal and biochemical alterations. The rise of LDH, CPK and AST enzymes in the plasma are related to muscular distrophy perhaps due, in the fighting bull, to lesions caused by the lance, the "banderillas" and the death sword during the fight. The influence of exercise and stress occurring during the bullfight may also affect different minerals such as selenium, copper, calcium, magnesium and vitamin E.
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