1998, Number 4
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Vet Mex 1998; 29 (4)
Effect of breed and type of lambing on the concentration of copper and zinc in blood, milk and wool of penned sheep under restricted feeding
Aceves LAB, Buntinx DSE, Aguirre GMA, Paniagua VJL, Rosiles MR
Language: English/Spanish
References: 31
Page: 313-321
PDF size: 771.45 Kb.
Twenty-three Suffolk (SU) and 24 Rambouillet (RA) penned ewes, suckling both single and twin lambs, and fed oat straw and a concentrate were used to determine differences in Cu and Zn concentrations in blood, milk and wool. Liveweights (LW) and blood, milk and wool samples were obtained at -15 or 0 and 15,30,45 and 60 days postpartum (DPP). Copper and Zn concentrations, obtained by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, and LW data were subjected to an analysis of variance with repeated measures and a correlation analysis. The greatest loss of weight was observed in SU ewes and ewes suckling twins (DPP x breed interaction, P‹.02, and DPP x lambing interaction, P=.0001). Differences for Cu were found in:
a) between breeds (SU= .65 ppm, RA= .42 ppm; P= .0001), between lambings (single= .58 ppm, twin= .50 ppm; P=.03) and among DPP (P=.0001) in blood;
b) among DPP (P=.0001) in milk (mean=.23 ppm) and
c) among DPP (P=.03) in the wool (mean=3.53 ppm). Differences for Zn were found in:
a) between breeds (SU=5.45 ppm, RA=6.2 ppm; P=.05) and among DPP (P=.0001) in blood;
b) among DPP (P=.0001) in milk (mean=6.7 ppm), and
c) between breeds (SU= 109.3 ppm, RA=98.3 ppm; P=.0003) and among DPP (P= .009) in the wool. The correlation analysis emphasized the importance of an adequate feeding management of the ewes during lactation because as the animals lost weight, Cu and Zn blood levels (r=.99, P=.0002, and r=.96, P=.0001, respectively) diminished.
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