1998, Number 3
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Vet Mex 1998; 29 (3)
Improved viability of broiler chicks with vitamin E supplementation in the drinking water
Arce MJ, Ávila GE, López CC, Cortés CR
Language: English/Spanish
References: 18
Page: 227-231
PDF size: 379.94 Kb.
The objetive of this work was to evaluate the effect on performance and viability of broilers with the addition of vitamin E in drinking water during 7,14 and 21 days. Two thousand eight hundred broilers were randomly distributed in four treatments with seven replicates of 100 birds in each. Treatments were as follows: vitamin E addition in a proportion of 25 IU/liter of drinking water during the first 7,14 and 21 days of age. This was compared to a control group without vitamin E in the drinking water. At day 21 of age, results indicated that birds which had received vitamin E supplementation had a significant (P‹0.05) lower mortality (8.28,8.86,7.71 and 10.71%) than the control group. The same significant (P‹0.05) effect regarding mortality (13.27,13.74,13.85 and 17.08 %) was observed at day 53 of age. No significant differences (P›0.05) between treatments were observed in body weight (2337,2369,2364 and 2362g), feed intake (4848,4931,4922,4890g) nor in feed conversion (2.10,2.11,211 and 2.10 g/g) at day 53 of age. It is concluded that 125/IU of vitamin E addition in drinking water during the first 7 days of age may contribute to diminish broiler mortality without impairment performance.
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