1999, Number 4
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Vet Mex 1999; 30 (4)
A radioimmunoassay method developed with antibodies purified from the yolk of immunized hen eggs
Rangel PLE, Perera MG, Lassala IA, Zarco QLA
Language: English/Spanish
References: 27
Page: 289-295
PDF size: 73.07 Kb.
Production of anti-cortisol antibodies was induced in laying hens. A conjugate of cortisol with bovine serum albumin (BSA) was mixed with Freund’s complete adjuvant and phisiological saline solution. One mg of the steroid was injected, followed by six more injections of 0.5 mg administered every two weeks. During egg collection, a serum titre average of 39.4% at a work dilution of 1:1000 was obtained. In order to develop a liquid phase radioimmunoassay (RIA), the anti-cortisol antibodies were recovered from the egg yolk, and then purified. Antibodies showed high specificity to cortisol, less than 0.1% cross-reaction with androstenedione, estradiol, 17-hidroxyprogesterone and testosterone with a sensitivity of 339 pg/ml. Accuracy of the RIA was appropriate (less than 15% interassay variation coefficient). The final yield was 594,552.63 mg of protein which can be used to process 95,000,000 tubes. It was concluded that the egg yolk of immunized hens is a good source of anti-cortisol antibodies, and that it can be used as an alternative to rabbit serum.
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