2004, Number 4
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Rev Inst Nal Enf Resp Mex 2004; 17 (4)
Physicians’ and nurses’ smoking prevalence in the states of Guanajuato and Morelos.
Arenas-Monreal L, Jasso-Victoria R, Hernández-Tezoquipa I, Martínez PC, Menjivar-Rubio A
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 261-265
PDF size: 89.60 Kb.
This is a transversal, descriptive study with the objective of detecting the level of self-care of two groups: health professionals and university professionals in other areas.
A self applied questionnaire was designed with questions, related to physical, emotional and life relations. The survey was applied to 204 professionals in the states of Morelos and Guanajuato, 102 were men and 102 women; there were 66.66% health professionals and 33.33% university professionals in other areas.
This paper reports only the prevalence of smoking found in this study. There is a higher prevalence of smoking in health professionals (31.6%) in comparison with other university professionals (23.5% p=0.230). Smoking between physicians and nurses is higher in physicians (43.1%) than in nurses (29.3% p=0.066).
It is necessary to design educative programs directed specifically to health professionals to decrease this addiction. The results may benefit not only the health professionals, but also the general population.
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