2006, Number 3
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Rev Neurol Neurocir Psiquiat 2006; 39 (3)
Clinic tecnics for mental evaluation II. Perceptions, thoughts, emotions, language and conduct
Rodríguez-García PL, Rodríguez-Pupo L
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 106-116
PDF size: 74.71 Kb.
Objective. To delineate an updated approach for the execution of mental examination in the clinical practice, as well as to review the classic and new aspects of the main used techniques to evaluate the perceptions, thoughts, affective function, language and conduct.
Development. The scientific literature that approaches the examination of mental state is vast and complex. However, a guide still requires to be applied of standardized, sequential, systematic and efficient way to manifold techniques of mental examination. In a first section, the techniques are described to evaluate the processes of thought, content of the thought, perceptions, autoconciensness and judgment. Then it makes reference to the examination of affective state, language and conduct. Exploration of the following specific categories deserved special attention: spontaneous oral expression, understanding of the spoken language, repetition, denomination, reading, writing, prosody, right-left direction and identification of the fingers. The examination of the conceptual system and production of action are emphasized for the diagnosis of dispraxias.
Conclusions. The main clinical techniques recommended were detailed at the moment to examine a select group of mental functions and an approach for its actually clinical judicious and exact execution. At the end, we still believe in the priority of a continuous and detailed improvement of the clinical examination techniques to obtain an efficient clinical practice.
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