2006, Number 4
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Anales de Radiología México 2006; 5 (4)
Practical guides in vascular and iterventionist Radiology procedures
León CÁF, Serrano LR, Fink JG, Guerrero AG, Enríquez R, Ramos MPL
Language: Spanish
References: 42
Page: 313-323
PDF size: 97.41 Kb.
Introduction: The growing boom in the last years, shown by minimally invasive therapies, among others, Vascular and Interventionist Radiology, spreading to most of the clinical and surgical specialties, have generated a remarkable demand in the use of angiography rooms. This urges the need to create the necessary mechanisms for optimizing the available resources, with properly standardized protocols and adhered to the international standards.
Objective: To elaborate a practical guide that allow a systematic approach in the handling and care of patients that undergo vascular or interventionist procedures, with an individualized focus, according to the clinical condition and specific pathology of each patient and that are adjusted to the protocols established by the Committee of Standards of Practice of the Society of Interventionist Radiology (SIR in Mexico).
Material and method: Revision of the literature, adapting the standards suggested to the local conditions, with emphasis in the indications, contraindications, pre-procedure evaluation, informed consent, specific considerations for patients with well-known previous illnesses, prevention and handling of complications, thresholds proposed for the complications.
Results and conclusions: To give appropriate response to the growing demand in the use of the units of Angiography, having a structured and standardized focus is required, that allows to assure that the patients that are taken to an angiography or interventionist procedure, have a very justified clinical indication; that the methods and peri-procedure cares offered are suitable to minimize the complications and that the quality of the studies obtained is the necessary one to give response to the clinical queries that originated it. This leads to the need of establishing the programs of quality improvement on behalf of Angiology services of Clinics.
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