2006, Number 4
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Rev Hosp Jua Mex 2006; 73 (4)
Initial care of retinal trauma injuries in Emergency Room
Lima GV, Albarrán SE
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 165-169
PDF size: 53.01 Kb.
Retinal injuries in closed-globe trauma may cause permanent visual impairment. Although some of them require specialized care, emergency room care should focus on preventing damage progression in those injuries that will require urgent surgical treatment. In some injuries there is irreversible damage at the moment of the initial evaluation and in others evolution is self limited, so initial care is unnecessary. Finally, there are traumatic retinal injuries that require treatment but are difficult to detect with a direct ophthalmoscope and their therapy can be delayed. The most common retinal injuries in closed-globe trauma are presented, with an analysis of those which require special notice by the emergency room staff and the treatment that should be instituted, in those situations when ophthalmic care is not available, or should be postponed according owing to the patient’s general status.
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