2007, Number 6
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Med Cutan Iber Lat Am 2007; 35 (6)
Dermatopathological diagnoses in population between 0-16 years (1997-2002) in a third level Spanish hospital
Sánchez-Salas MP, Lázaro AC, Grasa MP, Carapeto FJ
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 269-274
PDF size: 242.12 Kb.
Patients between 0 and 16 years requiring histopathologic study in our Deparment of Dermatology of the CUH Hospital Lozano Blesa in Zaragoza, fromjanuary 1997 to december 2002 were registered where 14,042 biopsies were performed. A total number of 762 pediatric patients were studied duringthis survey period (301 male and 461 female).The diagnoses five more frequent a decrease order included: pigmentary tumours (70%), benign tumours (15.2%), dermatosis with traumatic origin(4.2%), diseases of cutaneous annexes (2.4%) and viral infections (1.8%).These histopathologic diagnoses changed in the differents groups of age. In the first year of life, the annexes cutaneous disease was the most frequentgroups of disease (65.2%), cutaneous benign tumours, in children between 1 to 6 years (24%) and, pigmentary tumours in teenager.
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