2006, Number 6
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Med Int Mex 2006; 22 (6)
Osteoblastyc osteosarcoma in a patient with Paget’s disease of bone. A report of a case and bibliographic review
Álvarez HE, Hernández CCB
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 559-564
PDF size: 257.57 Kb.
The Paget’s disease of the bone is a metabolic bone disease characterized by the simultaneous presence of an increment in the resorption and bony formation as well as in the vascularity that cause an abnormal structure of the bone producing pain and deformity. It affects men predominantly older than 45 years. The etiology is unknown. There is not a typical clinical presentation. Osteosarcoma is a rare complication (around 1% of the cases). The illness has a very variable geographical and ethnic distribution. Seemingly it affects with more frequency to people of Caucasian origin and it is rare among mestizos. In Mexico the prevalence is unknown. It is reported the case of a 65 year-old man, native from Oaxaca; without ascendancies of Caucasian origin. Time of evolution of 12 years with pain in long bones, polyartralgias, cifoescoliosis and deformity of both forearms and of the skull. With increase of the serum alkaline phosphatase. In the plain X-ray the skull with lesions in cotton specks, bow deformity in bilateral tibia, radius and cubitus. Lumbar column with escoliosis, hyperlordosis, and dorsal xifosis, with presence of cortical thickening and sclerotic changes, and osteolytic areas. Radionucleotide bone scan with intense uptake in skull and extremities. Sensorial radiculopathy in bilateral L4, L5 and S1. Several months after he developed a osteogenic osteosarcoma in a pagetic lesion of right elbow. The Paget’s disease of the bone is rare among mestizos. We made a revision of the literature to know the clinical and epidemiologic characteristics of the cases reported in Mexico and Latin America.
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