2007, Number 6
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Cir Cir 2007; 75 (6)
Neuronal and psychomotor malfunction secondary to amblyopia treatment delayed
Moguel-Ancheita S, Orozco-Gómez LP
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 481-489
PDF size: 110.99 Kb.
A review of neuronal and psychomotor alterations related to delay of amblyopia treatment was carried out. We reviewed various studies to explain the anomalies of visual cortex because of the prevalence of anomalous stimulus in patients with amblyopia. Visual pathways are developed embryologically. The newborn has ocular dominance columns ready to be stimulated, but visual alterations present at this time will generate neuronal changes in visual cortex. Delay of amblyopia treatment with anomalous visual stimulus will provoke organic changes in visual cortex, inducing alterations of brain functions depending on binocularity. Memory and learning have also been related to this condition.
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