1993, Number 3
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Vet Mex 1993; 24 (3)
Prevalence of parasites and their histological lesions in tilapia from the lake of Amela, Tecoman, Colima, Mexico
García MLJ, Osorio SD, Constantino F
Language: English/Spanish
References: 31
Page: 199-205
PDF size: 479.74 Kb.
Parasitological and histopathological studies were carried out in two species of tilapia:
Oreochromis aureus and Oreochromis mossambicus from the lake of Amela in Colima, Mexico. Gross examination of these freshwater fish was carried out under a stereoscopic microscope in order to collect and identify parasites. A taxonomic study of the parasites was done. Tissues, where parasites were present, were processed with conventional histological techniques. Main tissues and organs were processed histologically too. A description of the lesions associated with parasites was performed. It was found that. 58 fish (55%) out of the 105, had metacercariae
(Diplostomum compactum) in the aqueosus and vitreous humors of the eye. Histology showed corneal edema, conjuntivitis, neuritis of the optic nerve, eosinophilic., iridocyclitis and uveitis. In 38 fish (36%), metacercariae were collected from the brain. The lesions were: multifocal gliosis, eosinophilic meningitis, brain edema and spongiosis. In the anterior intestine, 6 adult trematodes
Saccocoelioides spp were collected in 4 animals (4%). The intestine showed hyperplasia of Gobblet celIs and eosinophilic enteritis. In the skin of 3 fish (3%), 53 metacercariae,
Clinostomum complanatum, were found. An eosinophilic dermatitis was found and was associated with the parasites. Further studies need to be done to evaluate the pathogenicity of the parasites found in this study and their impact in public health, as
Clinostomum complanatum has been reported in man.
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