1993, Number 3
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Vet Mex 1993; 24 (3)
Epidemiological study of gastrointestinal parasites in bovines in the State of Yucatan, México
Domínguez AJL, Rodríguez VRI, Honhold N
Language: English/Spanish
References: 18
Page: 189-193
PDF size: 116.73 Kb.
An epidemiological study in calves, growing in the State of Yucatan under tropical climate, was performed in order to determine the gastrointestinal parasites, their prevalence, abundance and seasonal variation, using the coproparasitoscopic examination, collection of pasture samples and necropsy. Three zones were selected depending on their climatology. Four ranches in each zone were divided into two groups, according to the animal population. Every two months, 20 bovines from each ranch were sarnpled starting with calves 2 1/2 rnonths of age throughout the year. This was repeated the following year. The parasites identified were: Ten species of the protozoan
Eimeria; the nematodes,
Toxocara sp,
Strongyloides sp,
Bunostomum sp,
Ostertargia sp,
Cooperia sp,
Haemonchus sp,
Trichuris sp and the cestoda,
Moniezia sp. The most prevalent
Eimeria species were:
E. auburnensis,
E. bovis and
E. ellipsoidalis. From all nematodes, the order Strongylida were the outstanding; the most prevalent were:
Trichostrongylus sp,
Cooperia sp and
Haemonchus sp. Only age had significant difference with respect to faecal worm count for Strongylida and
Trichuris. Strongylida faecal worm count were the highest at around the 3rd month of age and declined at 13 months, when the last observation was done. Data showed that the critical period is from six to nine months of age. The treatment with Febantel, at 5 mg/kg orally, every two months during the first year, had no significant effect.
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